Tuesday 13 November 2012

Mypcbusiness is a scam! Review

Hi there, this is a review of what some may call a scam.

This is based on my personal experience with them...

I joined them about 3 days ago and honestly, they got me writing this blog for the wrong reasons! In conclusion, i believe MYPCBUSINESS IS A SCAM! you heard right! Mypcbusiness is a scam

The reason i say this is because when i signed up i got all excited, had seen people making money off it but i - i couldn't even get in!

(I'm still trying to get my refund)

Hopefully this mypcbusiness review will help you decide whether it's the right thing for you!

See what happened was that i joined, signed up and all as required... I followed all 3 steps! But, nothing happened...

In following the 3 steps as you will see on mypcbusiness.com is you have to download software from a real company called mybcbackup on mypcbackup.com

However, this mypcbackup company (after doing some research) i found is legitimate, it protects your computer from file corruption and helps organise it so that you may not lose track of the hundreds and for some of us, maybe thousands of files on our computer.

So, anyway...

I had to download the software for $13 which isn't a lot but gets taken out of my bank on a monthly basis! Even though i did all this and i was ready to continue on with my life and start using it to promote... guess what ...it didn't activate my account!

I looked up the FAQs and found out that this must happen often if following the 3 steps and your account still not activating is a Frequently Asked Question. Well the answer to that FAQ was that i had to wait 15minutes...

You can imagine the frustration i must have had

15 minutes go by... My account is still not activated! So i decide to contact customer service see how they handle the problem. The one good thing i will say is that they answered me quick... However with the most annoying replies ever
It's quite unfortunate that i am unable to show you image evidence of the conversation between me and the customer service! All they kept giving me as replies were for me to check the FAQs like i didn't check it a million times.

Now i'm still waiting on my reply for a refund and in future i am not falling for it again

I should've known from the beginning that it would be a bit dodgy trying to get into that affiliate program because the video presentations on mypcbusiness only had voices - they did not in anyway show real faces and if you've followed my other blogs you would understand what i mean. Never trust people who promise to make you money but show no faces!!!
Believe me, this is not the first time i've fallen for it

However - don't get me wrong on this - i am not guaranteeing that it is a scam but this is just my own  from my very own experience that i say in this mypcbusiness review that mypcbusiness is a scam!

I honestly can say that the company mypcbackup is very good - it is legit, it has actually helped with the files although i might refund because it isn't exactly what i need right now since mine are already pretty organised and in good condition with another software. If you would like to try them out then try them out! :)

Time past... and a day later - imagine that, a day after i got crushed my a site promising me an unbeatable affiliate program, Empower Network came up and got me in!

However, that wasn't hard to convince me because i've already heard about their program and they are very popular in the online business industry and they have a high status.

I made a lot of friends on the facebook group that they have HERE

So after speaking to real people and seeing proof from them of real income, i decided to join in! And to be honest i know it's not a mistake because this is my second day and already i have made 50 people visit my blogs so the traffic you get from this program is amazing! This is due to the plugins and wordpress program you are giving worth hundreds of dollars but you get for only $25!

Do you wana know what the best part is??

Well you recruit just one person, only one - you get a whopping 100% commission!! It's unbeatable - See the excitement that i got!

If you are too, then just get in with me by clicking on this happy little guy >>  \o/

If not convinced yet... read on! :-D

If you are looking at this blog - due to the title of it and the subject being discussed - i know for a fact that you are thinking about internet marketing and the opportunities there are of making an income

See, worry your eyes out like these guys...

Or you can just understand that there are better opportunities online!

See people seem to forget that as humans and the world evolve, everything else does too! The most obvious is jobs!

It is a FACT that teachers teach students to prepare for jobs that aren't yet in existence

That just goes to show that every time, new jobs and opportunity to earn income are coming up every time!

Please understand that right now, you can earn a living off this and even go to replace your normal jobs income just from being at home

  • No need to worry about unemployment
  • No need to worry about being made redundant
  • No need to worry about what the government is doing about jobs and businesses that will most probably negatively affect your job position (in a other words, you won't have to worry about the uncertainty of working because businesses have grown unloyal! Even if you've been there for years - they care more about the money they make than who makes it for them!)

Let's face it, it is a fact that people are making income on the Internet and you just aren't there yet! It is honestly the new trend.

Maybe you are unemployed
Now if this is the case, then you must be mad not to JOIN ME!
If you have a family to feed... this is the very end of your problems, this is where it all ceases - being broke is not the way - trust me i know
Being broke and doing nothing much about it is much worse! Stop knocking on the doors of the outside world asking for one position and competing with thousands of other people in the same position!
Maybe you're young right... you're unemployed so it doesn't matter - you have your family to rely on - parents there and all... NO WORRIES
I am 18 years of age .... yes you read that correct, it is time that us - the age group with the most unemployment - to stand up and show everyone that we are worth something!
Don't you want to help your family out? Don't you want that nice car, the nice clothes and to be the one that treats your friends out!
Maybe you already have a business or work for a company doing all the online.. stuff
My friend, you are not alone here... Empower Network helps out people just like you learn the techniques and be equipped with a program that will help you raise your business or company through the roof! Just join me for free and i will show you the techniques for FREE on top of the Empower Network techniques
So don't wait my friends, get ready to do exactly as i show you to do and you will be making money in no time!
By the way... I almost forgot to add in that there is easy proof that this is real - remember how i told you that real programs online show their faces, well Empower Network hold events! There is one coming soon just sign up and you will be able to get in to that!

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